Starting February 1, there will no longer be ongoing classes. We will be switching to a block system instead. I hope that this will allow you to commit to your practice in more manageable chunks. This will also allow us to offer more specialized workshops and mini series, AND allow us to schedule some time off in between blocks.
What will this new structure look like?
You will have the option to sign up for a block of weekly classes, or pay a drop-in rate.
The class blocks will run either 4 or 5 weeks - depending on the class, and there will sometimes be breaks in between blocks. The schedule will be posted both here on the website and on
New Drop-in Rates:
Kupuna $18
Kama’aina $22
Visitors $26
Block Rates:
4 week class block - $72
5 week class block - $88
What if I miss a class?
If you pay for a block, and miss one of your scheduled classes, you can take a different class during the same period of time. Similarly, If the teacher has to cancel for any reason, you can take any other class on the schedule during the same time period. It is a new system and we will likely come up against some issues. Please be patient with our growing pains.
How long is my pass valid?
The pass is good for the specific time period of the class block, with no extensions.
Please use the month of January to use up your existing passes, and to ask any questions you have, about how all of this will work.