MONDAYS, FEBRUARY 10 - MARCH 3 with Melinda $72



We are switching to a block system, where classes will be taught in 4 - 5 week sections. You can sign up for the entire block or pay a drop-in rate per class.

WEDNESDAYS, FEB. 5 - MARCH 5, Level 1 with Melinda, 5:30 - 7 pm $88 - 5 week block/ $22 drop-in

THURSDAYS, FEB. 6 - MARCH 6, Easy Paced/Restorative with Melinda, 5:30 - 6:45 pm $88 - 5 week block /$22 drop-in

FRIDAYS, FEB. 7 - MARCH 7, Level 1 with Vince, 10 - 11:30 am $88 - 5 week block/ $22 drop-in

SATURDAYS, FEB. 8 - MARCH 8, Level 2-3 with Melinda, 9 - 10:45 am $88 - 5 week block/ $22 drop-in


Intro to iyengar yoga

New to Iyengar Yoga - or yoga in general - but ready to jump right in? This beginner’s class will develop your stability and mobility through a dynamic sequence of standing, seated, twisting, and restorative asana. Modified inversions are introduced, along with basic breathing techniques. This series provides an introduction to the building blocks of a yoga practice and philosophy in a challenging and supportive framework. We'll work to improve body alignment through the poses, increase range of motion, and develop balance, strength and coordination. Throughout this, you'll be introduced to a kinder, more expansive relationship with your body and your inner Self.


This class advances the skills developed in the beginner’s Intro series, expanding the students depth and understanding of the practice, and introducing more inversions. Sequences vary weekly, and will include standing poses, forward bends, back bends, twists, seated poses and inversions.Students should be familiar with the methodology of Iyengar Yoga.

Level 2-3

For students with Iyengar Yoga experience and a regular practice. Sequencing will include a variety of asana from the different categories (standing, seated, inverted), and will build in complexity, developing maturity of practice. Students will be expected to practice Sirsasana (headstand) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand).

restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga aims to rejuvenate the body by providing relief to the nervous system. This class, which is appropriate for all levels and abilities, offers relief to the whole being. Students suffering from injury, exhaustion, chronic pain, muscle strain, disc herniation, lower and upper back/neck conditions, or emotional strain are welcome.